
Saturday, May 25, 2013

A little about Wahclella Falls, Trail # 436...

This trail begins on an old, gated road alongside Tanner Creek. Pass a small intake dam for the Bonneville Fish Hatchery and continue into the narrowing canyon. A tributary stream creates a dramatic waterfall at the first bridge, and the trail forks after 0.7 mile. If you have small children it is advisable to stay on the lower trail and avoid the sheer-sided return loop. Wahclella Falls is one of the more spectacular waterfalls in the gorge-a 350-foot two-tiered plunge with the final 60-foot section providing a powerful horsetail fall into an enormous splash pool. The trail winds past house-sized boulders left behind by a 1973 landslide. Watch for water ouzels bobbing and diving on the side of the stream, and for spawning salmon at the base of the falls during late fall.

Fees: $5/vehicle/day, payable at the trailhead, or NW Forest Pass
Usage: Heavy
Restrictions: motor vehicles and bikes prohibited. Fires not allowed within 200 ft. of trail.
Closest Towns: Forest Service
Operated By: Cascade Locks, OR

Driving Directions [for those who wish to meet us at the trail]: Eastbound or westbound I-84 – Take Bonneville Dam exit #40. Turn south and find paved parking area.

Level: Easy

[text taken from]

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